Boards / Park / Völkl Riot Rocker

Völkl Riot Rocker


Völkl Riot Rocker

While the camber version likes speedy slopes, steep kickers and pipes, the Riot SQD Rocker turns the entire mountain and downtown into its very own playground. The forgiving Freestyle Rocker Shape helps you jib your head off and the negative camber provides for some extra float so you can stick the even most bombed out landings in the powder. This playful board is not only perfect for any pocket, but also supports your ambitions as a future pro thanks to loads of high-tech: Premium Carbon Weave and Shock Absorber offer crazy pop, triaxial weave and V-Flex inlays perfect power transmission.


Soort belag: Baseline: Year: Prijs: Radius (m): Lengte (cm): Breedte tip/tail: Breedte midden: Constructie:
Sintered Base Rocker 2013 379 6,55 7,0 7,3 7,33 7,6 149 152 155 156W 158 297/297 301/301 304/304 311/311 306/306 247 251 254 261 256 Tip-To-Tail Supreme Wood Core

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