Boards / Park / Nitro Board Haze

Nitro Board Haze


Nitro Board Haze

STREET - The Haze is our no nonsense, low maintenance, get in the game true twin, and a permanent part of Kooley’s quiver. New shapes, a soft flex, Zero camber and our Powercore give it that poppy, predictable feel, making it easy to transition from turns on groomers to jumps in the park.


Soort belag: Baseline: Year: Prijs: Radius (m): Lengte (cm): Breedte tip/tail: Breedte midden:
Hi-Def FH Base Flat Base 2013 299.95 7.5 7.9 8.2 149 153 156 287/287 289/289 293/293 244 246 250

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