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Lib Tech Mark ‘Lando’ Landvik


Lib Tech Mark ‘Lando’ Landvik

Mark Landvik’s Alaska, BC, Jackson Hole, Baker, Art of Flight tuned and tested high speed power freestyle geometries combined with C2 Power Banana (camber/ banana combo) 3D Bamboo Org Throttle and Power Transfer Internal Sidewalls. The Phoenix series offers creative freedom that can only come with complete confidence in your equipment. Jamie Lynn helped refine and define these geometries and power freestyle snowboarding. Lando is re-inventing it today. Ride a Volcanic Organic Power Banana.


Soort belag: Baseline: Year: Prijs: Radius (m): Lengte (cm): Breedte tip/tail: Breedte midden: Constructie:
TNT Super Fast Base C2 BTX Banana Camber Combo 2013 539.95 8.75 154 160 157w 28.6 30 30.1 24,9 25,7 25,9 H-Pop core

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