Boards / K2 Ecolite

K2 Ecolite


K2 Ecolite

Based on Gretchen Bleiler's Eco Pop, The new 2012-2013 K2 Eco Lite packs the same tech feature set and all around versatility power. Featuring Harshmellow™ damping and Hybrilight™ Construction along with All-Terrain Rocker TweakendTM upgrade. Gretchen's new board will not disappoint!


Soort belag: Baseline: Year: Prijs: Radius (m): Lengte (cm): Breedte tip/tail: Breedte midden: Constructie:
4000 Sintered 3D Base 2013 499.95 7,3 7,4 7,5 7,6 145 148 152 155 27,9/27,9 28,24/28,24 28,57/28,57 28,91/28,91 23,6 23,8 24,0 24,2 Hybrilight, Hybritaper

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